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Mobile Legends: Floryn

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Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Mobile Legends: Floryn

The Budding Hope

Mobile Legends Floryn

A kind hearted-girl who is determined to spread greenery throughout the world.

Iconic Quotes
Let's make the whole world green and lively.


Poke | Guard

Laning Recommendation:

Release Date:
September 22nd, 2021



Skill Effects


# Attributes

Floryn: Abilities

1.Dew - Dew's Lantern can slightly increase Floryn's attributes and evolve at full energy stacks (1000). When at the Fountain, Floryn can share the Lantern's power with an allied hero, granting them an extra piece of equipment that does not take up equipment slots. Cooldown: 30s. The equipment will also evolve at full energy stacks. Floryn can accelerate the energy accumulation speed by hitting enemies with her skills. Floryn will never sell the Lantern.

2.Sow - Floryn tosses an Energy Seed at a designated enemy, dealing 220 / 260 / 300 / 340 / 380 / 420 (+150% Total Magic Power) Magic Damage. Healing Fruits will then spawn and bounce to nearby allies, restoring 50 / 70 / 90 / 110 / 130 / 150 (+65% Total Magic Power) plus 5% of their lost HP for them (80% of the amount when cast on a non-hero enemy).

3.Sprout - Floryn casts a blob of energy in a designated direction, dealing 225 / 280 / 335 / 390 / 445 / 500 (+90% Total Magic Power) Magic Damage to the enemy hit. Upon hitting an enemy or reaching the maximum range, the energy will explode, dealing an extra 135 / 168 / 201 / 234 / 267 / 300 (+54% Total Magic Power) Magic Damage to enemies in the area and stunning them for 1s.

4.Bloom - Floryn resonates with Dew's power, restoring 400 / 460 / 520 (+40%Total Magic Power) HP for all allied heroes 2 times (ignores distance). Also deals 300 / 345 / 390 (+60% Total Magic Power) Magic Damage to enemies around the allied heroes and slows them by 30% for 0.8s each time the healing takes effect.

Floryn: Story

Belerick stumbled upon the decline of Agelta Drylands during a meander of his many ago.

The despair and sorrow almost consumed him, when a blooming little flower suddenly broke into his sight. "There's still life!" Moved by such tenacious vitality, the treant decided to create what was later known as the Oasis at the place.

While creating the Oasis, Belerick unintentionally poured more power into the little flower, and the overflowing energy condensed into a glowing seed. The little flower, however, underwent an even more peculiar transition. It turned into a life form that had never appeared on the Land of Dawn – Floryn.

Since the day she was born, Floryn had never stepped out of the Oasis. The latter isolated her from the harsh environment of the desert, allowing her to live a life carefree. To Floryn, that glowing seed was the only mystery in her peaceful life. She spent the days contemplating the secret of the seed and the nights sleeping in the shade of the leaves. Only explorers and caravans would occasionally visit this undisturbed little world.

Among the caravans that frequented the Oasis, Floryn met a young man with a dazzling smile. He'd tell Floryn fun stories he'd seen or heard on his journey whenever he came to lodge at the Oasis. As their friendship gradually deepened, Floryn's trust in the young man also grew. She showed the young man the glowing seed, hoping the latter could help her solve the puzzle.

At first, the young man helped Floryn look for info about the seed wholeheartedly. As time went by, however, Floryn found the young man was always avoiding her eyes, and he'd change the subject whenever the seed was brought up. Floryn began to worry about the young man's state.

One night, Floryn woke up with a start. She was shocked to find the seed she'd always carried with her had disappeared!

Floryn searched everywhere in the Oasis but to no avail. Torn with anxiety, Floryn went to ask the young man for help, only to discover he'd already left the Oasis with his camel.

A thought that Floryn dreaded to believe came to her mind – could it be him?

Floryn followed the young man's trail out of the Oasis. She wanted to find out the truth.

However, what awaited her was a silent answer from what she saw and heard along the way. It was the first time Floryn had stepped into the desert, and also the first time she'd seen the howling sandstorms and the look of despair on people's faces. Before that, she'd never understood what kind of suffering people outside the Oasis were going through.

When Floryn caught up with the young man in his village, what came into view were cracked farmland, dried wells, famished kids… and those desperate ones who'd stop at nothing to survive.

The young man was slumped in a corner. He'd wanted to sell the seed to feed his family, but he'd never expected that the seed would wither the moment it left Floryn. As a result, those who'd been willing to bid would pay not a single penny.

The young man returned the withered seed to Floryn, ready to take the blame for betraying their friendship.

Floryn, however, didn't say a word.

The experience along the way had given Floryn a glimpse of the young man's predicament. Compared to the sadness of being betrayed by her friend, another even stronger and more complicated emotion was churning in her heart. Driven by this emotion, Floryn wanted badly to do something for the land, to save the people who lived in extreme misery as the young man did.

A surge of magic power swelled from the bottom of Floryn's heart. It flowed through her arm and poured into the seed in her hand. feeling the power, the once withered seed shone again, and from the light that was a hundred times more dazzling than before popped out a cute and lively little creature!

This little creature leaped out into the air and eagerly showed off its miraculous powers; it summoned rain with just a wave of its tail, and new shoots gradually sprouted from where the rain fell. The once lifeless village was surrounded by greenery in mere minutes.

Floryn's was stunned by the sight in front of her. She'd never imagined the seed could give birth to such a magical creature, just as she'd never thought she'd ever leave the Oasis. It was only when Floryn's resolve to change the desert resonated with Belerick's will inside the seed did the latter awakened its true power.

Although the little creature born from the seed was still very young, from its limited power Floryn saw infinite possibilities of changing the desert.

"You look like a round drop of dew. I should just call you Dew!"

Dew circled Floryn excitedly, as if it also liked the name.

The changes in the environment brought light back to the villager's eyes. The young man also promised Floryn he'd never again err from the right path. Biding the young man farewell, Floryn and Dew moved on to their next stop.

Now, thanks to Floryn and Dew's unremitting efforts, the Oasis is expanding at a considerable speed. And this greenery will eventually spread across the entire desert, dispersing all desolation and despair.

Floryn: Skin/s

The Budding Hope
Video Soon!

Monday, August 30, 2021

Mobile Legends: Aulus

Warrior of Ferocity

Mobile Legends: Aulus

A furious fighter that fights more fiercely along with the battle continuing.

Iconic Quotes
Old Aulus, still has a few tricks to show!


Damage | Crowd Control

Laning Recommendation:
EXP Laner

Release Date:
August 31st, 2021



Skill Effects


# Attributes

Aulus: Abilities

1. Fighting Spirit - When Aulus, Charge! is held down, Aulus gains 45% / 47% / 49% / 51% / 53% / 55% extra Movement Speed and 30% Damage Reduction against attacks from the front for up to 4s. If Aulus, Charge! is released before the duration ends, Aulus will unleash his fury and smash the ground, dealing 200 / 230 / 260 / 290 / 320 / 350 (+150% Extra Physical ATK) Physical Damage to nearby enemies and slowing them by 60% for 1.5s.

2. Aulus, Charge! - When Aulus, Charge! is held down, Aulus gains 45% / 47% / 49% / 51% / 53% / 55% extra Movement Speed and 30% Damage Reduction against attacks from the front for up to 4s. If Aulus, Charge! is released before the duration ends, Aulus will unleash his fury and smash the ground, dealing 200 / 230 / 260 / 290 / 320 / 350 (+150% Extra Physical ATK) Physical Damage to nearby enemies and slowing them by 60% for 1.5s.

3. The Power of Axe - Aulus brandishes his axe, dealing 250 / 330 / 410 / 490 / 570 / 650 (+120% Extra Physical ATK) Physical Damage to enemies in a fan-shaped area. Each non-minion enemy hit allows him to perform 2 enhanced Basic Attack.png Basic Attack(s) within the next 5s (up to 6, at least 1 when no non-minion enemy is hit). Aulus gains 140% extra Attack Speed when performing the enhanced Basic Attack.png Basic Attack and restores 35 (+60% Extra Physical ATK) HP.

4. Undying Fury - Passive: Every time Undying Fury is upgraded, Aulus crafts a part for his axe in order.

Blade Craft: Permanently increases his Basic Attack.png Basic Attacks' Physical Damage by 35. Hammer Craft: Permanently increases his Physical Lifesteal by 15%. Handle Craft: Permanently increases his Attack Range by 65% and the range of The Power of Axe.png The Power of Axe.

Active: Aulus raises his axe and smashes it to the ground, dealing 210 / 250 / 290 (+220% Extra Physical ATK) Physical Damage to enemies in a line. A burning trail that lasts for 5s is left on the ground, dealing 90 / 110 / 130 (+80% Extra Physical ATK) Physical Damage to enemies who walk on it every 0.5s and slowing them by 70%.

Aulus: Story

In Aulus’ home stored a powerful battleaxe long forgotten by the Leonins. Legend has it that this battleaxe had fought alongside their ancestors and achieved countless feats, and within it lied great power. But after a century of peace and security, this weapon of war was gradually ignored and despised by the Leonins, and even worse, it became a farming tool used to chop firewood.

But unlike his people, Aulus had been wishing that one day he’d become a respected warrior, like his ancestors as they held their battleaxe and fought valiantly on the battlefield. And yet the battleaxe in his home was no different than an ordinary axe, and holding it felt like holding a large chunk of iron with its unusually heavy weight.

Even so, Aulus firmly believed in the legend of the battleaxe and carried it with him wherever he went. Every time he patrolled the Leonins’ territory with his battleaxe, he felt the axe looked a bit mightier and he was one step closer to achieving his dream. Therefore, Aulus patrolled like a warrior every day without failing, come what may.

However, the other Leonins laughed at him for his daily patrol, saying that Aulus was as plain ordinary as his axe and yet always daydreaming of being a legendary hero, only it was under the protection of the magic barrier. Seeing that his dream and ancestors’ honor was brought down and crushed, Aulus could bear no more and beat the Leonin who humiliated him, and his own people had since feared and alienated him.

Aulus saw that instead of solving the problem, his rage further aggravated their misunderstandings, so he made the decision to leave the forest and go on an adventure with his battleaxe, to prove himself with great feats.

Aulus suppressed his hot temper, trying to blend into the human society and look for opportunities to achieve his dream. But to his surprise, the outside world had lots of prejudices against the Leonins.

Once Aulus wanted to follow the caravans to the Moniyan Empire and join the army, but the caravan leader said the small Leonins were better suited being jesters in the palace, instead of going to the battles. Aulus thus went north to Northern Vale, but they only hire him to clean up the battlefield. And when he finally had a chance to fight with the army, another soldier rubbed Aulus’ ear and said he reminded him of his cute kitten at home…

All of this enraged Aulus, but he put up with it. He kept honing his battle skills and rushed to the frontline without fear, hoping that he’d one day be recognized at the triumphant ceremony. Yet on the ceremony he’d long been waiting for, the general gave the honor that should belong to Aulus to a rookie soldier. Aulus could bear it no longer and questioned him, and to his surprise, the drunk general answered honestly that he didn’t think a Leonin deserved to lead humans.

No longer could Aulus tolerate all these prejudices. He left the camp overnight and headed to the Lantis Mountains with only one goal in mind – he would fight the demons to prove that a Leonin could become a great warrior too.

Alone on the Lantis Mountains, Aulus faced a much more dangerous challenge than ever before. Standing in front of swarms of evil demons, he could no longer hold back the burning rage inside. After the lonesome, persistent journey full of his own people’s taunts, other races’ prejudices and the unfairness of the world, all the emotions he’d suppressed poured out into his battle with the demons. Strike after strike, the dark and dull battleaxe began to emit a glowing light as written in the legend – Aulus’ indomitable rage awoke the battleaxe that had been in slumber for a century!

At that moment, Aulus felt power surging into both of his hands and the battleaxe was no longer heavy like iron. Surprised, he found the battleaxe alive and could keep enhancing as his rage increased. Aulus was beyond elated, and as if responding to his emotions, the battleaxe grew even brighter. They fought side by side and faced no opponent, the demons all turning into dust under the powerful axe before they could even flee.

On the Lantis Mountains, another group were also fighting to prove their powers – Benedetta and her ranger squad, and Aulus joined them without much hesitation. He believed that through battles, he’d become a respected warrior one day. At this time, he’d no longer be fighting for himself, but to prove his strength to the whole Land of Dawn and to crush people’s prejudices against the Leonins.

Aulus: Skin/s

Warrior of Ferocity


Video Soon!

Friday, December 18, 2020

Mobile Legends: Mathilda

Swift Plume

Mobile Legends: Mathilda

On one side was the small, weak Mathilda, and on the other side was the powerful sand hunter group and their gang of thugs. The tribesmen chose to be silent one after another, and began to quietly pack their things and prepare to leave the tribe. Little Mathilda left the tribe in disappointment. She firmly believed that justice must exist in this world. For this reason, she began to wander the vast west, looking for people who could truly help the tribe. While marching to a small town not far from Los Pecados, Mathilda’s sense of justice got the better of her and she ended up in a dispute. Mathilda stood up and resisted the bullying perpetrators in front of her. Mathilda was outnumbered, but then, an old cowboy with a stubbled face appeared and repelled the bandits. He then teamed up with Mathilda and went with her.

Iconic Quotes
Always on the way.

Support | Assassin

Initiator | Guards

Laning Recommendation:

Release Date:



Skill Effects


# Attributes

Mathilda: Abilities

1. Ancestral Guidance - Mathilda gains Ancestral Guidance while moving. When it is fully charged, her next Basic Attack will be enhanced, dealing 150 (+100% Total Physical Attack) (+80% Total Magic Power) Magic Damage to the target and increasing her Movement Speed by 50% that rapidly decays in 2.5 seconds.

2. Power of Ancestors - Mathilda resonates with the power of ancestors and summons wisps that surround her for 3 seconds - when her movement distance increases, more wisps will be attracted to her, capped to 4 wisps.

After casting this skill or reaching the time limit, the wisps will attack nearby enemies, with each wisp dealing 300 / 320 / 340 / 360 / 380 / 400 (+50% Total Magic Power) Magic Damage. The damage is reduced to 80% when hitting the same target.

3. Wind Force - Mathilda leaps to a designated place and upon landing, she creates a field surrounding her. Allied heroes within the field will gain a new skill Wind Force. When an ally uses Wind Force, they will blink to Mathilda and both of them will 30% Movement Speed for 1.5 / 1.7 / 1.9 / 2.1 / 2.3 / 2.5 seconds.

Allies will lose Wind Force when they exit the field for 2 seconds. When an allied hero casts Wind Force, all other allied heroes will lose Wind Force in the meantime.

4. Lightness - Mathilda applies a Soul Mark to the targeted hero, dealing 160 / 180 / 200 (+40% Total Magic Power) Magic Damage and within 3 seconds, Mathilda can cast the skill again to immediately fly around the target for up to 3 seconds. During this period, wisps will rush to nearby enemies, each time dealing 40 / 45 / 50 (+20% Total Magic Power) Magic Damage.

After casting skill or reaching the time limit, she will rush to the target, knocking enemies back and dealing 640 / 720 / 800 (+80 Total Magic Power) Magic Damage.

While flying, Mathilda gains Control Immunity and 60% Damage Reduction.

Mathilda: Story

In the vast Western Desert, on a barren land with its back facing the mountains, there lived an ancient and simple tribe. For generations, they had kept the traditions of their ancestors, guarded their sacred mountains, and lived hard but quiet lives. Mathilda and her family were members of this tribe.

Mathilda's father, Thasgard, was the leader of the entire tribe. He was brave, upright and responsible, and bore the burden of the tribe’s survival firmly on his shoulders. Under his influence, little Mathilda had developed a similar personality to her father, and was deeply proud of him.

One day, a group of sand hunters from Los Pecados broke into this closed-off tribe and disrupted the peace they had maintained for hundreds of years. The group of sand hunters lost their way in the desert chasing giant beasts. They were discovered by Mathilda's tribesmen right as they were on the cusp of death. The tribesmen brought them back to the tribe.

However, the expectations of the kind and innocent aboriginal tribesmen were shattered when their kind deeds were returned in the form of unforgivable atrocities. These were not ordinary sand hunters, but those of the "iceberg sand hunting group" under Waldo Kane, the most powerful boss in Los Pecados. These guys not only sought life in the desert, but also did a lot of dirty work and sinful deeds.

Despite being in a state close to death, some veterans of the sand hunting group developed an idea in their minds as soon as they saw the mountains behind the tribe: under this seemingly ordinary mountain range there were countless gold mines that could bring them a steady stream of wealth.

Under the care of the aboriginal tribesmen, the sand hunters quickly recovered and left the tribe under their guidance. Before leaving, they promised to repay everyone.

However, Mathilda’s tribesmen did not receive the reward they deserved, but were instead subject to a sinful invasion. The sand hunters who walked out of the desert quickly reported the news to Waldo Kane. On Kane's instruction, Kane’s nephew Blandy returned to Mathilda's tribe with a large number of thugs, preparing to take the entire mountain range by force.

For Mathilda’s tribesmen, this was the tribe’s sacred mountain range, and no one was allowed to tread on it. The tribe patriarch Thasgard sternly rejected Blandy's coercion and temptation, and asked him and his thugs to leave their homeland immediately.

Blandy, who had always traversed Los Pecados without a care, became enraged. He drew a gun and shot Thasgard, wounding him. He then gave him an ultimatum: Either leave the tribe’s land within a month and give up the gold mine at the back of the mountain range, or be wiped out together with his tribe.

Their patriarch now injured, the tribesmen, having lost their leader, fell into panic and confusion. More and more people began to advocate leaving the village to avoid further loss. Facing the retreating tribe, little Mathilda stood up, denounced their weakness, and called on everyone to take up arms and use their own strength to defend their homeland.

On one side was the small, weak Mathilda, and on the other side was the powerful sand hunter group and their gang of thugs. The tribesmen chose to be silent one after another, and began to quietly pack their things and prepare to leave the tribe.

Little Mathilda left the tribe in disappointment. She firmly believed that justice must exist in this world. For this reason, she began to wander the vast west, looking for people who could truly help the tribe. While marching to a small town not far from Los Pecados, Mathilda’s sense of justice got the better of her and she ended up in a dispute. Mathilda stood up and resisted the bullying perpetrators in front of her. Mathilda was outnumbered, but then, an old cowboy with a stubbled face appeared and repelled the bandits. He then teamed up with Mathilda and went with her.

It was none other than Clint, an old cowboy who had come to seek Blandy for revenge. After learning about what happened to Mathilda and her people, Clint, also with a strong sense of justice, decided to help Mathilda and fought alongside her to defend their homeland.

In the battle to defend her homeland, Mathilda established a deep relationship with Clint, Claude and others. After a tough ordeal, the brutal Blandy was defeated, and the bandits' covetous hopes of gaining the sacred mountain range were shattered.

The tribe restored the peace it had held in the past and Mathilda was summoned by the sacred mountain range. Upon entering the sacred mountain, she inherited a mysterious power that no one had inherited for hundreds of years.

For Mathilda, a great adventure had only just begun. In the setting sun, she bid farewell to her family and chose to go on the road with Clint, because she firmly believed that in this world, there were even more oppressed people out there waiting for justice to come, and she would do all she could to help them get it.

Mathilda: Skin/s

Mathilda: Swift Plume
Swift Plume
Video Soon!

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Mobile Legends: Benedetta

Shadow Ranger

Mobile Legends: Benedetta

The only passage that connected the Crack of the Abyss with the Moniyan Empire was broken, separating the trapped refugees and the exiled wanderers from the rest of the world. They now live in fear and despair, haunted by monsters, yet struggling to survive. For these people, the name of Benedetta brought hope and a sense of security.

Iconic Quotes
When the body suffers, the spirit blooms.


Chase | Burst

Laning Recommendation:

Release Date:



Skill Effects


# Attributes

Benedetta: Abilities

1. Elapsed Daytime - When holding down the Basic Attack button, Benedetta enters Swordout State and gathers Sword Intent and if Benedetta releases the Basic Attack Basic Attack button after her Sword Intent is fully charged, Benedetta will use Swordout Slash in the direction she's facing and dash forward, dealing 100 (+250% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage to enemies on the path and restoring 150 (+120% Total Physical Attack) HP.

Only when Benedetta is in Swordout State and her Sword Intent is fully charged by holding down the Basic Attack button, she can release the Swordout Slash. Benedetta can also gain Sword Intent when dealing damage by Basic Attack and casting skills.

This skill's damage is considered as skill damage.

The HP Restoration will be reduced to 20% if she hits Minions and Creeps.

2. Shadow Slash - Benedetta withdraws swiftly and leaves a shadow in front. After a short delay, her shadow slashes forward in a fan-shaped area, dealing 300 / 340 / 380 / 420 / 460 / 500 (+40% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage.

Meanwhile, Benedetta dashes forward to slash, dealing 180 / 204 / 228 / 252 / 276 / 300 (+70% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage. If the target is hit by her shadow, damage caused by Benedetta herself will increase to 200%.

3. An Eye for An Eye - Benedetta raises her weapon to defend, gaining Control Immunity and blocks damage from any source within 0.8 second. After defense, she stabs in a designated direction dealing 300 / 330 / 360 / 390 / 420 / 450 (+50% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage and slowing the target by 40% for 1 second.

If Benedetta nullifies Crowd Control during defense, she will stun the target instead of slow and immediately gain full charge of Sword Intent.

4. Alecto: Final Blow - Benedetta clenches Alecto and slashes forward after a short delay, becoming invincible while dashing, slowing all the targets on the path by 70% for 0.8 second.

After dashing, Benedetta detonates the Sword Intent on the path, strangling the enemy with the Sword Intent for 2.5 seconds, dealing 60 / 90 / 120 (+40% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage and slowing the enemy by 20% every 0.2 second.

This skill only benefits 40% of Benedetta's Spell Vamp.

Benedetta: Story

After the rise of the Abyss, the land became plagued and the entire southern part of the Land of Dawn turned into a barren wasteland. Even though, the high ranged Lantis Mountain blocks the corruption of the Abyss, the Mother Nature in the southern realm continues to wither away. This once prosperous land is now nothing but a silent place filled with doom and death. People call it the Despair Place.

The only passage that connected the Crack of the Abyss with the Moniyan Empire was broken, separating the trapped refugees and the exiled wanderers from the rest of the world. They now live in fear and despair, haunted by monsters, yet struggling to survive. For these people, the name of Benedetta brought hope and a sense of security.

This courageous, persevering female ranger leads a team and fights in the land south to Lantis Mountain, protecting the scattered settlement set up by the last survivors, within the Despair Place. It had been four years, ever since Benedetta and her team had started their campaign in the Lantis Mountain region.

Whenever she drew Alecto, the rampaging monsters would scatter in fear, from this long sharpened sword, infused with unstoppable power. The people of the southern regions titled her as the Shadow Ranger and the Protector of the Despair Place. She had earned the admiration and respect of everyone in this desolate wasteland. However, the distant Moniyan Empire jad left a deep scar in Benedetta's heart, and it was only she who knew, that the wound could never heal.

Alucard wasn't the only person whose life was changed by the war that happened years ago, Benedetta was one of the victims, as well. But Benedetta's family was unlike that of Alucard's. Her father wasn't an Officer or mentor, but was just an ordinary soldier. Unfortunately, the second division of the Imperial Army was convicted of rebellion after they were defeated in battle, and so, no honor or glory was given to the soldiers who had dedicated, their lives for the country. As an officer's child, Alucard was sent to the Monastery of Light along with several other children and grew up, with the blessing of Light.

But Benedetta, didn't receive such privilege as she was the child of a low-rank soldier and had to struggle to make a living without her parents by her side. Ever since Benedetta was little, she had always wished that she could one day become a Warrior of Light, take back the glory that rightfully belonged to her father, and avenge her father's death by killing those demonic monsters.

To this end, she kept training and treating herself as a warrior, constantly sharpening her fighting skills, and eventually, inherited the long sword left by her father, preparing for the battles that were to come. However, the passionate Benedetta was rejected when she signed up for the trials of the Empire Army because the powerful men who ran the Knight's Order were furious because of the betrayal of Alucard's parents and the second division soldiers and ordered that no descendant of a rebel could ever join the Imperial Army so that they would never seek the truth, just like Alucard did. Disappointed and enraged by the empire, Benedetta took up her long sword and left the Moniyan Empire, heading for the Barren Lands and preparing to annihilate the monsters and have her vengeance by herself.

Even though she was mentally prepared, Benedetta was shocked, by the corruption and desolation the first time she saw the Barren Lands. But what surprised Benedetta, even more, was that there were people who lived near the foothills of the Lantis Mountain, suffered a harsh environment. Life there was hard, but those people were optimistic and hard-working. Unfortunately, they had to fight for everything they needed to survive. And they did: they improved the soil, raised the next generation, and defeated the monsters. At first, Benedetta was not interested in these people at all. She aimlessly wandered the Barren Lands and gave her long sword a new name, Alecto.

She then unleashed her anger on the monsters and slaughtered them all. But as time went by, Benedetta slowly realized that this land is truly a vast area, and the power of the Abyss and the monsters were more formidable than what she had expected. She could have never saved the Despair Place or changed anything on her own. One day, Benedetta ran across a ranger squad who were in the middle of a fight against some monsters. The odds were against them, but they fought bravely as a team, with great synchronization and drove back the monsters, who attempted to raid the human camps several times. During the campaign, Benedetta and the rangers established friendship and trust through their joint effort. And these people who lived in a godforsaken place demonstrated the fortitude and the strong will to survive, which eventually touched Benedetta's soul and made her believe that it was not the weapon in their hands that would one day triumph over the Abyss, but it was the everlasting hope in their hearts.

Afterward, Benedetta chose to stay and built a ranger squad, where each member shared the same vision but had different skills. They helped the people of the Southern lands defend their homeland. One by one, the monsters across the entire region of Lantis Mountain's southern foothills were defeated by Benedetta and her comrades. Benedetta would always leave a mark on the battlefield after she stroked down the enemies, reminding the monsters that Benedetta had never forgotten what they did to her. More and more settlements sprang up around Lantis Mountain and the human civilization was able to develop, thanks to their protection. They had been through hell, they had made many sacrifices. But nothing could shake their will and stop this Ranger squad from walking against the shadow. Under Benedetta's command, they believed that so long as she was there, hope still existed and they believed, they would see flowers bloom in the Barren Lands one day. Meanwhile, Bella had another greater ambition: she wished to eliminate all the monsters and recover her father's glory to prove a simple fact to the foolish rulers of the Moniyan Empire, letting them know that honor was not something to be given by anyone, it was hard-earned. This was not just a battle between her and the Abyss, it is also a war between her and the Empire.

Benedetta: Skin

Benedetta: Honor Blade skin
Honor Blade
Video Soon!

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Mobile Legends: Brody

The Lone Star

Mobile Legends: Brody

In his faint memories, there was always a great fire. And his right hand... looked quite ordinary at the time. He constantly wondered, as to what had happened to it? Every time he tried to recall the past, Brody would feel an intense headache. He neither knew his purpose, nor his destiny. He wandered the lands aimlessly. The torn-apart memories and the pain from his right arm were constantly torturing him.

Iconic Quotes
Pain, is the proof that I'm still alive.


Burst | Reap

Laning Recommendation:
Not Yet Available

Release Date:



Skill Effects


# Attributes

Brody: Abilities

1. Abyss Corrosion - With his Basic Attacks resonated with the Abyss Power within his body, Brody is able to move channeling at the cost of having longer channeling and the lower Attack Speed bonus.

Brody can cast skills while channeling his Basic Attack. Brody's Basic Attack will still hit the target even if it has gone out of range despite its channeling time.

Each Basic Attack deals (+200% Total Physical ATK) Physical Damage, slows the enemy by 25% for 0.5 second and inflicts 1 stack of Abyss Mark on the enemy, capped at 4 stacks.

Each stack of Abyss Mark increases Brody's Critical Damage against the target by 12.5%. If Brody's Basic Attack is Critical Icon critical, he gains 25% Movement Speed for 1 second.

2. Abyss Impact - Brody launches a shock wave in designated direction, dealing 250 / 290 / 330 / 370 / 410 / 450 (+60% Total Physical ATK) Physical Damage and inflicting Abyss Mark on enemies hit.

As the shock wave travels, for each enemy it hits, it deals an extra 33% damage and applies an additional stack of Abyss Mark, capped at 200% damage and 4 stacks.,br />
3. Corrosive Strike - Brody dashes to an enemy, dealing 200 / 230 / 260 / 290 / 320 / 350 (+75% Total Physical ATK) Physical Damage, stunning the enemy for 1.2s, and inflicting 1 stack of Abyss Mark on the enemy.

Upon hitting the target, he is able to move one more time in the movement direction.

4. Torn-Apart Memory - Brody locks on all the targets within 8 yards, dealing 300 / 390 / 480 (+80% Extra Physical ATK) Physical Damage to them.

If the target has an Abyss Mark, all Abyss Marks will be reset, dealing Physical Damage equal to 200 / 260 / 320 (+50% Extra Physical ATK) plus 8% of target's lost HP for each stack the target has.,br />

Brody: Story

No one knew where Brody came from.

When he first arrived at this village, he was covered in blood and his right hand seemed to have been corroded by the abyss. One could tell from his gloomy face, that he was lost. The kind, but cautious villagers didn't dare let him into the village, so they put some water and food next to him instead.

After he awoke, Brody realized that the villagers were scared of him. He had forgotten everything, only faint memories would occasionally flash through his mind from time to time.

In the dream that he had over and over again, someone cried out to him: Brody, hurry! But hurry for what? He had no idea, what the answer was.

In his faint memories, there was always a great fire. And his right hand... looked quite ordinary at the time. He constantly wondered, as to what had happened to it? Every time he tried to recall the past, Brody would feel an intense headache. He neither knew his purpose, nor his destiny. He wandered the lands aimlessly. The torn-apart memories and the pain from his right arm were constantly torturing him.

The villagers took him as a freak and subsequently, stayed away from him. Brody knew that people feared him. He was an outsider, someone who had no memories and not even past.

One day, an elder chased by demons went astray into the mountain. Brody didn't think much. He tried to rescue the old man pretty, much out of his true nature and pure instincts. The ferocious demons didn't mind Brody since he looked skinny and weak. However, he blasted a strong energy wave out of his right hand and completely annihilated the demons. The power was incredible, but Brody also realized that every time he used this power, his right hand would feel unbearable pain and that pain would soon spread across his entire body. However, his pain didn't paralyze him, nor would it take away his strength to fight. But this pain was everlasting, urging him to find his lost past.

The elder he rescued, believed that he was a kind lad. As such, he invited him to stay with him in the village. Encouraged by the old man, the other villagers also started to open their hearts and arms, to this quiet young man. It was at the moment that Brody suddenly realized - even without memories - he liked this feeling, the feeling of being needed and respected. Brody thought to himself, this was probably because he could finally feel that he had a purpose, since and when he was needed.

This idea calmed Brody down and eased the burden on his mind. But that voice still existed deep within his head, yelling to him: Help! Help me!

He became the guardian of the village and peace was briefly restored among the outskirts. He drove back the demons of Abyss, one wave after another. It was because of this that the villagers started to like this quiet lad. Brody became stronger and stronger, as he fought battles after battles. And in each battle, he would see and meet things that seemed to restore his past memories. He wanted to uncover his past, but at the same time, he was also afraid of the truth. What exactly had to happen to him?

Brody had been fighting like a soulless machine until he met Benedetta Benedetta, who was also a homeless poor soul. Benedetta was struggling to fight against a group of demons. And that's when Brody came out of nowhere and intervened.

They were too near the Crack of the Abyss to be safe, and countless demons kept showing up through portals. The battle became more and more intense. Brody evacuated the villagers to a safer place and fought against the vicious beasts, side by side with Benedetta.

It was when they almost had achieved victory, that a group of demons sneaked their way, into the wine cellars os the village and captured the elder who Brody once saved. They threatened Brody that they would murder all the villagers, including the innocent elder.

Looking at the villagers held hostage, Brody felt a strong headache and a difficult choice up ahead. He could sense that his right arm was burning with rage. He could no longer contain the energy within him. Before anyone could react, Brody had rushed to the side of the last surviving demon who was trying to fight back. He punched through the chest of that demon with his right hand and pulled out it's beating heart.

Blood blurred his eyes, as Brody fell unconscious, due to the extreme pain and the fatigue caused by this intense battle. The faint memories were finally coming together. The history that happened would never be forgotten, he would eventually recall them.

In his dream, Brody saw his past: he was born in a village, located at the foot of a volcano. The village was haunted by the Abyss, and the people who lived there often had to be very careful to survive.

Brody was one of the most optimistic young men in the village. Everyone liked him, and he always wanted to help out as well. The naive Brody thought he could fight against the demons and rid the village of terror and fear.

One day, the adamant boy took up a weapon and went to challenge the Abyssal demons. He was getting stronger as he fought. But in the meantime, he realized that the demons were indeed formidable monsters. He couldn't fight them on his own and he was eventually forced to flee.

Brody grew homesick, and so he headed homeward. But he didn't notice that a group of demons had been following his trail to the village. The demons ambushed the unarmed huts and destroyed the village. Most villagers were killed, trying to defend themselves, and the rest were corrupted by foul energy.

When Brody finally defeated the demons that surrounded him, he realized that it was too late. The surviving villagers had all been corrupted by demonic power and started to lose their sanity. The eldest and wisest man in the village, who was losing his last bit of humanity begged Brody to kill everyone. They would rather die than wander this world as demonic soulless creatures.

The old man approached Brody and gave him one last hug, his strength was fading. He once again begged Brody to do them the favor. Good boy, we missed you. And we will always be watching over you, he whispered.

The devastated Brody having no option, put the villagers out of their misery, and then turned his attention to the last remaining demon hiding in the shadow. Agony, regret, and hatred turned into unbreakable power. Brody's right hand reached out, punched through that demon's chest, and crushed its heart.

The blood of the demon corrupted Brody's arm, giving him the power he now possessed. However, before he could shake off the corruption. But Brody let the pain fill his body until he passed out due to the agony.

He knew the price he had to pay by doing this, for that every strike he had landed on his enemy, would trigger the same pain, reminding him of the mistakes he had once made.

He had always been the same. When Brody opened his eyes again, Benedetta and the villagers were there for him. And for the first time, he truly felt at peace. All his loved ones, his friends and families, had passed away. And his homeland shall never be the same to him.

But fortunately, he still had someone to protect, and he swore to fight on for his second homeland, even if his life was at stake.

Brody: Skin/s

Nameless Stray
Video Soon!

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Mobile Legends: Barats

Dino Rider

Mobile Legends: Barats

Barats was born in such a Politan village, and he was born a naughty boy. Everyone in the village was annoyed by his trouble making nature. And such a childish personality didn't change even after Barats grew up. He had the same lust for money as his kind, but Barats hated learning and working. He would spend his entire day and free time, dreaming that he could miraculously get rich overnight.

Iconic Quotes
I might not be a lighted man, but I do know my traits!

Tank | Fighter

Damage (Specialty) | Crowd Control

Laning Recommendation:

Release Date:
September 18th, 2020



Skill Effects


# Attributes

Barats Abilities

1. Big Guy - Each time Barats and Detona deal damage with his skills to the target, Detona gains 1 stack of Big Guy for 12 seconds with a cap of 25 stacks. For each stack of Big Guy, Detona increases his size, 5 points of Physical Defense and Magic Defense, and gaining 3% Resilience.

When Big Guy reaches 16 stacks, Detona will enhance his Basic Attack, dealing (+120% Total Physical Attack) (+4% of his Max HP) Physical Damage to enemies within a rounded area and slow them by 40% for 0.2 second.

2. So-Called Teamwork - Detona spits contaminated oil in the fan-shaped area in front, dealing 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 / 140 / 160 (+8% Max HP) Physical Damage to enemies within the area and slowing them by 30% for 1 second.

Then Barats drops the firecracker onto the contaminated oil from his bag and ignites it, dealing 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 / 280 / 320 (+170% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage to enemies within the area.

Big Guy: The area of effect of So-Called Teamwork will increase when Robust reaches 6, 11, 16, and 21 stacks.

3. Missile Expert - Barats launches a missile to the designated area that upon landing, a blast of flame spout out from the rear of the missile, dealing 200 / 230 / 260 / 290 / 320 / 350 (+125% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage to enemies in a straight line and pushing enemies towards Barats' direction and stunning them.

4. Detona's Welcome - Detona locks onto an enemy hero, having a waiting period for the next 1.5 seconds before stunning the target and then suppressing the target when Detona devours the target for 1 second. While an enemy hero is devoured, Barats will be unable to move, but Barats will be immune to Crowd Control and able to change his direction.

Then Detona spits the target out 3.5 yards, dealing 120 / 160 / 200 (+70% Total Physical Attack) (+1.2% Max HP) Physical Damage to the target.

If the target is spit against into other enemy heroes or walls, the target and nearby enemy heroes will be dealt 150 / 175 / 200 / 225 / 250 (+80% Total Physical Attack) (+1.5% Max HP) Physical Damage and be stunned for 1 second.

Big Guy: When Big Guy reaches 6, 11, 16 and 21 stacks respectively, the damage of this skill will be increased by 25%.

Each upgrade of this skill will make Detona gain 5 / 10 / 15 stacks of Big Guy immediately after respawning.

Barats: Armored Lizard Skin
Armored Lizard

Barats Story

The Politans who live between Albata and the Moniyan Empire are very similar to mankind. They are small creatures, yet extraordinarily smart. These dwarfs built their homeland within a low mountain basin and are constantly obsessed with money and riches.

Barats was born in such a Politan village, and he was born a naughty boy. Everyone in the village was annoyed by his trouble making nature. And such a childish personality didn't change even after Barats grew up. He had the same lust for money as his kind, but Barats hated learning and working. He would spend his entire day and free time, dreaming that he could miraculously get rich overnight.

The villagers disliked Barats for his laziness, and they were subsequently thinking about chasing him out. This greatly angered Barats, who as a result sneaked into the village's sacred place, stole a precious item which was believed to be holy by everyone, and fled the place. The thing he stole was a treasure map. With the guidance of that treasure map, Barats arrived at the distant Albata. However, upon his arrival, he was disappointed by the what he saw.

There was nothing in view but desert sands and desolate ruins. All the marked locations on the treasure map were now covered in sand dunes and where nowhere to be found. Barats didn't want to give up like this. He kept going forward in his search for the legendary Los Pecados. He wanted to try his luck there. But Barats lost his way along the journey. He hadn't eaten on drunk anything for days, and now he just lied on the ground, tired and waiting for death.

But it was at this moment that a small dragon lizard appeared in front of him and guided Barats to a water body. Maybe it was the gratitude he felt for it's help, maybe it was the same loneliness they shared together, or maybe it was just the fact that he needed a companion on his boring journey. Barats took this dragon lizard with him and agreed to put it on his backpack . Barats even named it Detona.

With Detona's company, Barats' adventure hunt was no longer lonely or dull. He would often share his ambition with this little guy, promising that he would impress everyone from his villager and do something truly amazing. As time went by, however, Barats was shocked by how fast and enormous this small lizard could grow into. It grew bigger and heavier every day and the pace of it's growth was unusually fast.

Only a few months had passed, but Detona had already grown much bigger than Barats. Barats was ecstatic and he would often ride on Detona's back and explore the desert. Together, they encountered and conquered many difficulties but unfortunately, the good times never last long. A sandstorm came out of nowhere, and Barats and Detona were separated by the gusting wind and the raging desert sands. They couldn't find each other.

After the sandstorm died, Barats searched and searched in the desert. But he never found any trace of Detona, and his supplies of water and food were about to run out. They had built a strong bond and relationship with each other in these days of hardships. Yet when faced with a dire situation, Barats had to make the hard decision. He half-heartedly stopped looking for Detona and went on his way to the Los Pecados.

Years later, Barats had learned a few tricks in the Los Pecados. He used his skills to gather information for a local gang and made a living out of it. He muddled through the days and gradually forgot past his friend Detona. There was this one time when Barats found his chance to become successful. He sneaked his way into the renowned "Steel Hands" hunter group and went out into the desert with them, hunting for giant monsters and beasts. Their target was apparently a rare dinosaur. That lizard was strangely large and had the ability to breathe and absorb energy.

The "Steel Hands" hunter group had been tracking this enormous lizard for about twenty days. They used all the weapons packed in their armory and, after suffering great loss in both man power and weaponry, they finally managed capture the weary dragon lizard. Everyone rejoiced, including Barats, for that person who hired them had put a big bounty on this dragon lizard's head. His share of that bounty would be very handsome, and everyone would respect his achievement.

As the group reveled in joy, Barats approached the giant beast and took a closer look at it. When their eyes met, Barats recognized that it was actually his long lost friend, Detona! Barats didn't know what to do. Detona was his friend, who had saved his life on multiple occasions, but that bounty would give him enough riches to live the carefree life he longed for. He hesitated for a long while, and then he did something that a Politan would never do. Friendship triumphed over his desire for wealth, and Barats started to release Detona from the shackles by breaking open the chains. Having now broken free, Detona roared ferociously, and Barats leaped onto it's back. It was like the good old days, except that Detona had grown even bigger.

The dinosaur strode forward and knocked down the surprised hunters off guard. And just like that, Detona and Barats disappeared into the distance. A few months later, Barats showed up at the gates of his dreams, Los Pecados, riding the intimidating giant lizard. He brought some hidden desert treasures which he had found with the help of Detona. Marveled by such riches, the Los Pecados's hunters and gangsters grew to respect Barats and started calling him the Dino Rider.

In the next couple of years, Barats and Detona traveled between Los Pecados and the desert lands. They had become the most famous black market traders in the entire region. There is a saying spread across the desert: If you have some good stuff to sell, or if you want to find a way to join the Los Pecados Gang, then you should seek Barats the Dino Rider. But beware, you will have to offer a good price.

Asal SEO

Tank Heroes


Fighter Heroes


Assassin Heroes


Marksman Heroes


Mage Heroes

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang

A mobile multiplayer online battle arena developed and published by Moonton. Released in 2016, the game has become popular in Southeast Asia and was among the games chosen for the first medal event esports competition at the 2019 Southeast Asian Games in the Philippines.